Haiyan Haiyan Kangyan Co., LTD.

Kangyan 20 taun médis, pésta akhir taun anu diaturkeun balayar dina perjalanan anyar

Dina jam 11 Januari, 2025, Mouyan Haiyan Kangyuan Kangyuan Kangyuan Kongyuan Core C., ltd. Dibagi perténem ulang taun ka-20 maling Barquang Barar. Perayaan ieu henteu ngan ukur miteraskeun ku sajarah pangembangan kenging Kangers médis, tapi ogépos sareng ekspektasi kamungkinan tanpa dikhindit di masa depan anu henteu dikaitkeun di hareup.

Panon kentang.

The year-end party kicked off slowly under the bright lights of the barn ballroom, and the company's leaders first took the stage to award honorary certificates, trophies and bonuses to 18 "excellent employees" and 2 "master employees" for their outstanding performance in Taun baheula, pangenal kontribusi anu luar biasa sareng henteu kabiasaan dina posisi masing-masing. This honor is not only the recognition of their personal achievements, but also the affirmation of Kangyuan people's perseverance and courage to take responsibility.

An 2


Teras sumping sweepstakes anu pikaresepeun, anu dibawa suasana ka klimaks. A total of 158 prizes were prepared for this year-end party, including Huawei's flagship mobile phone Mate60 Pro, Huawei smart watch and other high-tech products, as well as electric car, Midea air fryer, electric kettle, camping chair, egg cooker Sareng alat rumah tangga leutik praktis sacara praktis séjén, masing-masing ngahasilkeun perawatan jero Kangsious sareng berkah kanggo padamel.

5 奖品拼图

6 表演拼图

The year-end party also arranged a special "review and outlook" session, in which the heads of all departments read aloud to review Kangyuan's brilliant history from inception to the present in the past 20 years, as well as those unforgettable moments and outstanding achievements . In his speech, the middle and senior leaders of the company expressed deep gratitude for the struggle of the past two decades, and put forward a grand development blueprint for the future, encouraging all employees to continue to work together to create a brighter tomorrow for Kangyuan Médis.


Kalayan pamastian pertanyi, kangyuan tepang taun ka pihak taun ka-20 taun ka-20 dina tungtung anu bagja sareng suksés. Perayaan ieu sanés ngan ukur perayaan jaman baheula, tapi ogé harepan pikeun masa depan. Kangyuan people will move towards the next more brilliant twenty years with more full enthusiasm and firm steps, and jointly write a brilliant new chapter belonging to Kangyuan Medical. 

Kangsi médis ngagunakeun pangwangunan produk, produksi sareng penjualan, anu museurkeun dina inovasi polimérég polimér. Ayeuna, éta parantos ngawangun kisaran anu pinuh utamina dina urologi, anestheshiomologisareng gastroetik. Produk utama nyaéta:aBabi LL SilikonfoleyKateters, silikonfoleyKateters jeungsuhuprobe, Akses évolusi heurat Kanggo panggunaan tunggal, topéng larngeal bumi udara, anggaptrakeal tabung, nyeuseupKatteter, ngambutan Saring roti, sababaraha jinis, tabung buruk, tikét, sareng jsb kimikasi perifikasi sistem kualitas IMOO134 parantos lulus.

POST Waktos: Jan-14-2025