Haiyan Haiyan Kangyan Co., LTD.

In order to effectively care for the health of the employees of Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., LTD., enhance the awareness of health care of the employees, implement the health care of the employees of Kangyuan, and achieve early detection, early prevention, Dagad diagnosis awal sareng pangobatan awal kasakit, Kangesiangan Dipikar tina 18 Agustus ka 19 Agustus, 2023, Roading langkung ti 200 karyawan pikeun 200 pagawé pikeun 200 karyawan.

According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Occupational Health of Employers, and the characteristics of the medical device industry, Kangyuan takes the control and elimination of occupational disease Bahaya salaku tanggung jawab sorangan, sareng mastikeun kasalametan kasehatan sareng kahirupan pagawé. The inspection focused on occupational diseases such as noise and high temperature, as well as routine diseases such as infectious diseases, liver function, electrocardiogram, chest fluoroscopy, blood routine and urine routine analysis, so as to effectively safeguard the health rights and interests of employees sareng ngalaksanakeun kawijakan perlindungan tanaga gawé dina bahaya padamelan. Saatos ujian fisik, kangdiaran ogé nyebarkeun sarapan cinta pikeun pagawé.

Waktu Pasang: Aug-23-2023